Obi Mobiles after launching Octopus S520, the company’s first Smartphone in the month of July is again back with five new Smartphone’s in the Python series. They are named as Python S452, S450, S500, S400 and Wolverine Smartphones. This new range devices runs on Android 4.2 Jelly Bean out of the box and are priced starting at Rs. 4,200.
Obi Python S400 is the 4-inch WVGA touch screen smartphone and is powered with 1.2GHz dual core processor. The device has 512 MB of RAM and 4GB of inbuilt memory which can be further expandable up to 32GB via microSD. There is a 2MP rear camera with LED Flash and is accompanied with 0.3 MP front facing camera. The Obi S400 also packs with 1500mAh battery and has dual SIM support. It is priced at Rs. 4200.
Coming to Obi Python S450, it sports a 4.5-inch FWVGA OGS display and is powered with 1800 mAh battery. The other specifications of Smartphone are similar to that of S400 mobile phone. The device will be available with price tag of Rs. 4,990.
Obi Python S452 and S500 are another Smartphones by the company with a same price of Rs. 5,990. Both the devices comes with dual SIM support and are powered with 1.2 GHz dual Core processor and have 4GB inbuilt memory. The S452 comes with 4.5-inch display, 1GB RAM, 2 MP rear camera, VGA front camera and a 1400 mAh battery on the back while the S500 smartphone sports a 5 inch display, 512MB RAM, 5 MP rear and 0.3 MP front facing camera.
Last but not the least, the Obi Python Wolverine is priced at Rs. 7,850 and features a 5-inch IPS display, 1.2 GHz dual core processor, 1GB RAM, 5 MP rear camera and 1500 mAh battery to power the device.