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How To Archive

Root / Unroot CoolBox Quore V57 – Complete Guide

How to Root / Unroot CoolBox Quore V57 using Framaroot app – Guide. Do you have CoolBox Quore and want to root it to get most out of your device like, installing unnecessary system apps, getting administrator privileges, over clocking the processor and many ...Read More

Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos Root and Install CWM

Root and Install CWM on Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos GT-I9082 – Complete Guide. So you got a Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos and want to Root it to gain control over system files in your device, and to tweak your device to improve its performance, ...Read More

How to Root Huawei H868C Glory

To root your Huawei H868C Glory android phone, just follow the below quick and easy steps. Rooting of phones give access to extra apps. So follow the below steps to root your Huawei H868C Glory in few minutes. Disclaimer: Rooting voids manufacturing warranty.  Early ...Read More