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{APK} Download Dubsmash 1.6.1 Latest Version for Android Phones

Dubsmash Android application has been updated to version 1.6.1, brings new registration flow and bug fixes. The users can download the app directly from Google Play Store. Just in case if you haven’t received the update, or unable to download from Play Store, then below we have shared simple download link of Dubsmash 1.6.1 APK. Users can simply download the APK file and manually update/install the application.

dubmash 1.6.1 APK

To remind you, Dubsmash is a popular application which lets you dub any voice clip, song, dialogue and share it with your buddies. The app consist of good collection of Sounds making users to have its own choice. All you need to do is act according to the sound and make a funny video from it. The Dubsmash app is already going viral with millions of downloads and is improving every day. So, download the application from the below link and make your own Dubsmash.

Download Dubsmash 1.6.1 APK

Download Dubsmash 1.6.1 from Play Store

Install Dubsmash 1.6.1 APK on Android Phones (Latest version):

1. Download Dubsmash 1.6.1 APK from the above links on your computer.

2. Connect your smartphone with PC.

3. Transfer the download APK file to device storage.

4. Disconnect the device.

5. Open any file manager, say ES File manager and locate the APK file which you have copied from PC.

6. Tap on it and follow the on-screen instructions to install the application.

7. Open App Drawer and launch the Dubsmash.

8. Dub a famous sound and share with friends using the social networking sites (Twitter, Facebook, Google+,etc).

9.  Enjoy!
