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Monthly Archive:: June 2014

How to Root OnePlus One

OnePlus One is highly powerful Android device with high end specs, and due to its low price when compared to Samsung, LG etc., devices it is well known. If you own this device and want to root it then you follow the below guide ...Read More

Download TWRP Recovery OnePlus One

OnePlus One is the Android Smartphone with all the high end specs, and the company which manufactured it has set its price lower than other manufactures like Samsung, LG etc., which makes this mobile so popular. So if you are one who own this ...Read More

Whatspp Plus 5.75D- Download App for Android Phones

Whatspp Plus 5.75D is the Non-Google Play Store app which is prepared from the normal Whatsapp Messenger which contains extra benefits like changing the colors on the line, change the size and quality of the video & pictures sent and many other features. Downloading Whatsapp Plus ...Read More