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iPad Archive

How to Unlock Snapchat Account on my iPhone

Snapchat is the fast and fun mobile conversation application exclusively for Apple iPhone users. The app has a simple option to snap photos, add a caption and set it to a friend. The Snapchat latest version brings options to share live videos when ...Read More

Download Periscope 1.1 for Apple iPhone, iPad

Periscope for iPhone has updated to latest version which lets you broadcast live video to the world. So it will be very simple for all Android iPhone and iPad users to discover broadcast across the world. The following app will shows the map which ...Read More

How to Enable Lost Mode on iPhone & iPad

Lost your iPhone or any other iOS device, then Find My iPhone is the first step to protect your device from falling into the hands of irresponsible. This feature will be useful in tracking the device and even makes the device lock, thereby making ...Read More